Wednesday, April 18, 2007

God and Time

When I was young I had a hard time wrapping my mind around what time meant to God and how He related to it, but it always fascinated me. Consequently, I spent a lot of time thinking about it, ever since I was a little boy. One day my dad drew an example that I was able to understand very well. He explained that we experience time like a spectator standing on a street corner watching a parade go by. We see the band approaching, then the various cars, civic groups and floats going by one at a time in a progression. God, on the other hand, sees the parade from the vantage point of a helicopter. He can take it in all at the same time and sees everything from the beginning to the end all in the same instant.

My understanding of it has developed a little, but the basics remain the same. All things were completed at the instant of creation. Even though things have not come to pass for those of us bound by time, they have already been completed in, for and through the Lord. That is why He can tell us the future and make promises to us and tell us if we do this then this will happen, or if we do something else, something else will happen. That is also why the psalmist can quote God saying, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." That is also how the Christ was the first born of all creation. God wanted to create all things through Him, and that is exactly what He did. That is why prayer is timeless. From the beginning of all creation God knew us and our prayers and our souls. That is why Moses told us that for God a single day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a single day.

Popular science tells us that to exceed the speed of light means we will achieve the ability to travel backwards in time, but that is wrong. Einstein said that we would never be able to achieve the speed of light because as we approach it time slows down. I propose that we will never achieve the speed of light because when we do that we will experience time as God does. To me it is the only explanation of physics that makes sense. If time stops and we continue in our existence then we will not reverse the clock but will become omnipresent. Because God knows we are not ready for something of that order He will intervene to prevent that from happening just as He did with the Tower of Babel.


Constantine said...

Very well thought out Joel. It's like God is above time. Time is a construct created for us. (I think)


Joel Gamache said...

Yes. Thank you, Costa. That is exactly right.