Monday, June 18, 2007


So I joined my parish choir about two and a half years ago and found much delight in singing, but growing up I liked to listen to bands that never really had members that sang without playing an instrument. The real value singing had to me was that it gave more meaning to instrumental music. One week ago I was singing in mass and realized that singing is an esteemable discipline in itself, and that singing should be pursued as such! It just occurred to me out of nowhere, and I never even questioned my attitude about it before. In fact, I was completely ignorant of my attitude towards it at all. The surprise was so large that singing carried such great esteem in itself that I was excited for my discovery, although a little embarrassed over the surprise.

The things I have frequently told others are things like, "When you sing you pray twice." "Music touches a part of the soul that speaking can not." I always encouraged other to sing as part of their prayer life and admitted that it is an important part of mine, and that I feel my own prayer life is enriched because it includes singing. I know the Spartans held the pursuit of singing on par with the pursuit of strength, speed and beauty, and on and on through history. I guess I am just surprised at my own previous attitude towards singing despite my intellectual knowledge of its value, and I am delighted in my new one.


Belladonna said...

I think it's great that you are enjoying the blessing of worship through song. I have a brother who is a fairly serious musician. Someone asked him once what instruments he played. He listed them as drums, dulcimer, autoharp and vocal pipes. Your voice can be such a precious instrument when raised up to the Lord. Sing with the angels!

Joel Gamache said...

Yes, I agree!
I have considered pursuing a music degree. Next to architecture, I think it constantly challenges architecture as the most beautiful art form.