Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Toeing The Party Line

One of the things I have been thinking a lot about lately is my journey from a cradle Baptist to a dyed-in-the-wool Roman Catholic. As the years go on and my knowledge of history, the Church and the Bible grows, so does my support of the Party Line. Something I find very interesting is that my beliefs never changed at all, but my faith has undergone a tremendous transformation. I can still remember the night I got baptized. I remember preparing for it in the upstairs room, where I put on white robes, then walked down to the pool at the appointed time, along with the others who were to be baptized. There was (what appeared to me) an old woman receiving baptism with me. I thought it was odd that she shared that experience with me because I thought everyone experienced it at my own age (five years old). The preacher asked me if I want baptism and I did and then he baptised me in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. When we got home (my parents, my siblings and myself) my brother and sister went up to bed and I had a conversation with my parents about the faith I was just baptised into. That evening I had a full and complete understanding of what Jesus did on the cross. Over the next few years I continued to learn about the Old Testament, and the Gospel. As a teenager I developed a deeper understanding of the Gospels, the New Testament and applying the Christian teachings to my life. In my early twenties I learned the value of abandoning the Christian way of life for gross hedonism.
When I was twenty-four I converted to Roman Catholicism and again began a devoted practice of my religion. I worked with a devoted Catholic who sponsored me in conformation and encouraged me to learn about the faith. Encouragement coupled with my father's love for history which I gratefully inherited, I started a long research project, which I plan to continue for the remainder of my life. The point of it all is that I have had a firm understanding of the Christian faith for as long as I can remember (literally) and as my knowledge grows, my understanding of that faith does not change, but my deeper conversion to Roman Catholicism only continues and I can only echo what our beloved pope recently stated: the Roman Catholic Church possess the fullness of the faith deposited by the Apostles and passed on to us by their successors.


Sophocles said...


I must tell you that I have enjoyed your last several posts and this one.

Though I cannot agree with your stating the Roman church to be what Roman Catholics say it is, nonetheless I enjoy your candor and the disclosure of yourself a bit more lately on your posting.

As always, dear brother and friend,



Joel Gamache said...

Thanks Soph,
I knew you would disagree with my statement about the Church. That is, of course, to be expected. There is much more I would like to say about it all. I have been reading quite a bit lately and have been developing some pretty strong opinions. I hope to stimulate some constructive discussion.

Sophocles said...


This may seem somewhat surprising to you, but I'm glad you are coming to hold stronger opinions as the result of your reading.
Myself, personally, I admire this trait.

I too have some very strong opinions on this matter(as if you already don't know that!) also found through much reading (and experience).

This is a difficult matter between East and West as we are possessed of two very different world views. Just about everything means something different to each to some small or even enormous extent.

The conception of "personhood", even is radically different between East and West.

And of course, I wouldn't be Orthodox if I did not believe that the Orthodox Catholic Churches held that One Faith held at one time by the undivided Church but would join the Roman communion in a heartbeat if it was the case that she indeed possess that Faith.

I look forward to further discussion with you, my friend.

Joel Gamache said...


Thank you very much for your hospitality this past week. I had a wonderful time visiting with you in Las Vegas and I hope to visit more frequently, now that I will be close by.

I have been thinking about writting another post and in the next one I think I will set up the background information for my thoughts.

Your friend,