Thursday, July 19, 2007

Satan's Chess Match

I am an avid Internet chess player. The site I play chess on allows players to sign on, make a move and then sign off and wait for the opposition to make a move, which could take anywhere from a few seconds to thirty days (even longer with a special dispensation from Stan). So on my way home from work I was evaluating a game I am currently involved in, in which my opponent allowed me to capture his queen without the loss of my own. I know what what happened in this game - my opponent simply made a costly oversight. I know this because we are not playing our first game against each other and I know he is a thoughtful player. When I evaluate a game I am in the middle of I try to objectively evaluate the strength of my position, the strength of my opponent's position, the strength of our pieces in play, what I have to do to quickly checkmate my opponent or what I have to do to avoid being checkmated.

In this evaluation I look at many, many things, on of which is my own ability to prosecute a prejudicial campaign against my opponent. This is critical in a chess match. I used to extend Christian mercy towards my opponents during a chess game. That is a path towards destruction, because let me assure you, no one else is doing such nonsense. In the many hundreds of chess games I have played I have only been extended that mercy one time (by someone other than my mother!). Eventually, as all things do, it lead me towards thinking about Christianity , the Church and the world. So it made me think about Satan's campaign against the Church, and that he is prosecuting it with extreme prejudice, and that there are seemingly neutral parties which Satan is able to utilize against the Church. He has even used Christian institutions against Christ! That is the importance of the Magisterium and submission to the authority of the Church.


Sophocles said...

Should I feel guilty if I try my hardest to beat you?

Joel Gamache said...


In faith your king has been saved by grace, and that not of your own, lest no chess player should boast!

Sophocles said...


My effort to win amounts to the attempt of pushing back your armies with:

"Depart from me ye accursed into the everlasting fire..."

Anonymous said...

Good point that you have to not only determine how to avoid being checkmated by Satan, but also to determine the strength of your own positions and pieces, which are the knowledge and talents which have been given to you by God.

Joel Gamache said...

Your effort to win has caused me no end of consternation, but there will be no Roman Catholics in the everlasting fire, only in apartment fires!

It is so nice to hear from you here.
I love you.