Monday, July 16, 2007

Second Coming of Christ

To all who read the Et In Terra Pax Hominibus; I am searching for a Catholic Order, Discipline, or Association devoted to the study of the Second Coming of Christ. My own search has resulted in the failure to find such a group.

I am not sure that one actually exists. The absence of such a group or groups would, in itself, be indicative of a “poor spirit” within the Church as we invoke the Second Coming at least five times during the Mass.

I have grown tired of talking to various “Protestants” about this subject because much of their theology, IMHO, is debased into “dispensationalism”. They also have a fondness for labeling the Catholic Church “The Whore of Babylon”.

The return of Christ is a major theme of much of the Apostolic writings of the New Testament and is mentioned in the Didache. We Catholics seem to have an abundance of groups that are dedicated to a particular spiritual subject. Perhaps you could recommend an Order, Discipline, or Association to me that has an interest in the Second Coming.

I thank you for your loving kindness.

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